
(Darren Dugan) #1

About Michael Erlewine

geocentric planet position that shows this forward and
backward movement that we call the retrograde loop.
Again, keep in mind that the geo position is nothing
other than a snapshot of the helio planet's position; in
other words, the geo planet position is how the given
helio planet position "appears" from the earth's view—
not how that planet is as an integral part of the solar
system. And I am not saying here that appearances are
not valid or worth considering—for we must consider
them, because they do exist.

What I am pointing out, and you may want to think it
through as I have had to do, is that the geo position for
a planet results from how the planet appears to move as
seen from earth (a view we all know). It is the earth's
attempt to see where that planet is—yet that planet is a
moving target, not because it ever moves any other way
than forward, but because WE do. The earth is moving
and this affects what we see, and that effect or
appearance results in the retrograde loop. Now, what
thoughts do these differences between the geo and
helio positions suggest at any moment?

Here are some obvious ones: The simple fact that a
considerable difference can exist between the geo and
helio positions is noteworthy. For some individuals,
there may be little or no difference between the geo and
helio positions for a given planet on their chart. Perhaps
this might indicate something along the lines of "what
you see is what you get." In these cases, the outer (geo)
position is identical to the inner (helio) position.
Someone with little or no difference may be a natural
when it comes to that planet. Its’ function works
smoothly. They are born with it in clear focus, and there
is no variation between these two positions.

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