
(Darren Dugan) #1

About Michael Erlewine

The Burn Rate

On the other hand, for other individuals, there may be a
great difference between the geo and the helio position
for a given planet, and thus also an inner need or drive
to reconcile these two positions and to make them one.
The amount of difference between the helio and geo
position for any planet has been termed the "burn rate,"
and we can speak of someone having a high burn rate
for Mars (great difference) or a low burn rate for Mars
(little or no difference).

The term "burn rate" comes from charts of individuals
with a great difference between the geo and helio
positions for a planet, and the fact that they may have to
struggle to bring these two together—to make them one
in their life. Perhaps this is an indication that they will
undergo many experiences (much change) in regard to
that particular planet over the course of their life.
Perhaps each of us undergoes an initiation for each

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