About Michael Erlewine
hand, a low index, a low Burn Rate, might indicate a
relatively stable and smoothly operating life.
The Past, Present, and Future
There is another measurement relating to the retrograde
phenomenon that is, to me, even more interesting. This
has to do with the fact that, as mentioned, the geo
position (at any given moment), may be either ahead of
or behind the helio position for a given planet. If we
grant that the helio position somehow represents the
mean position of the planet in the zodiac (the inner, or
essential position), which, in fact, it does, then the geo
position may either lead or trail this helio position by a
lesser or greater amount. How are we to interpret this?
First, let's refresh ourselves on the difference in
interpretation between the geo and helio position of any
planet, keeping in mind that the geo planet position is
the earth's view of that planet as it moves, always