
(Darren Dugan) #1

About Michael Erlewine

forward in the zodiac, in the sun-centered solar system,
and the helio planet position is the position of the same
planet in the actual solar system—with the Sun as

Astrologers who use helio positions, such as Dane
Rudhyar and Robert Hand, for example, and myself as
well, find that while the geo position charts the outward
personality, circumstances, and how these appear in
our lives (as traditional astrology states), the helio
position, with its steady advance through the zodiac,
marks the inner or true position (and meaning) of the

Retrograde and Direct

What, then, are we to make of the fact that the geo
position, throughout the course of any year, alternately
moves ahead of the Sun for a time, goes retrograde,
retraces its steps for awhile, and then again turns direct?

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