Saturn in the Natal Chart
In each of our natal charts, provided we know our birth
time, Saturn resides in one of the twelve houses; it is
from that point (where it resides at the moment of our
birth) that it continues to move around the chart, always
in a counterclockwise direction. Earlier in this article, we
learned of the four sectors, and something of what each
of them are about during the transit of Saturn to each
area; here, we are looking at the idea that Saturn starts
in a particular sector and house of your chart, at the
moment of your birth, and, that this can tell us
something about how the flow of your life can go. In
other words, for some of us, Saturn may start out at the
bottom of our chart, say at the 4th house cusp, and go
up during the first 15 years of our life, thus entering the
first or obscure sector when we are around 21 years of
age. This is very different from a birth chart with Saturn
starting at the top of the chart and going downward the