first 15 years of the life, rising to the 7th house cusp
when we are around 21 years old. These are very
different scenarios. To make this clear, let's go over how
we might look at Saturn in various parts of the natal
Saturn on the First House Cusp
If Saturn is on the ascendant, starting at the first house
cusp, or somewhere in that vicinity, this has been called
the chart of an "Early Riser." This suggests that, during
the first years of this particular life, Saturn will be in the
Formative Sector and the life very inwardly-directed, as
it moves through houses 1, 2, and 3. At around 7 or 8
years of age, Saturn will arrive at the fourth-house cusp,
which always marks a major turning point upward in the
chart. From this point forward, for the next 15 years or
so, Saturn will be rising in the chart as it moves through
the houses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.