
(Darren Dugan) #1


have just the reverse happening; our late bloomer is
entering the formative or obscure sector, while everyone
else around them is enjoying some kind of social
adjustment or success.

So, the years from age fourteen to around twenty-one
will be more inward and, for a teenager, perhaps even
very lonely, because they are zigging when everyone
else is zagging. During this formative sector, each of us
is very much on our own, sort of out of touch with our
social sense, and just about as far away from being
recognized and successful as one can get—notice the
first sector is opposite the third or social sector. For this
reason, because we don't even know ourselves at this
point, it is hard for anyone to come to our aid. We are in
an experience we are not yet out of enough to be aware
of. That’s the idea.

However, at 21 years of age or so, as Saturn crosses
the 4th house cusp, all of this changes and a much
belated process of self-discovery takes place, thus the
title: Late Bloomer. Our late bloomer makes up for lost
time and, in the strength of their early twenties, builds
self-confidence at an increasingly rapid rate. This rapid
growth takes greater fire as Saturn crests the 7th house
cusp at around thirty years of age and moves into what
astrologers have called the most successful sector, that
of harvesting—getting a return for our investment.

More, we can look forward and see that, at around 37-
38 years of age Saturn will cross the tenth house cusp,
thus ending this part of the success cycle and marking
the advent of yet another one.

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