
(Darren Dugan) #1


Saturn on the Tenth House Cusp

Saturn, when on or around the tenth house cusp, points
to a quiet or more inward childhood, as well as early
teen years. With no outward climb, the child, from birth,
is more inwardly-directed. This tendency grows much
stronger as Saturn crosses the 1st house cusp at
somewhere around 7 - 8 years of age. So, all of the
formative years, until around 14-15 years of age, are
very much, as the old saying goes, formative—building
infrastructure. They are not social or out-turned.

Of course, this changes as Saturn rounds the 4th house
cusp at 14-15 years of age and begins its upward climb
through the chart. What may have been a very inward
child becomes an increasingly more outward one, and,
with this type of Saturn placement, the child frequently
becomes a class leader, or in other ways becomes very
social—if not in the high-school years then in the
college years.

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