
(Darren Dugan) #1


Second House Saturn Transit

In brief: Building a vehicle.

The second house is one of real productivity, where the
energy needed to proceed is at hand, and the
momentum is in the direction of the fulfillment of our
plans. This is the time to really lay into it, to put the
pedal to the metal and drive things forward. It is another
one of the formative houses (1, 2, and 3), where we are
investing or putting something in, rather than one of the
houses for social or outward success, for getting things
out. We know how the rabbit gets out of the hat, but this
is how the rabbit gets into the hat: through hard work
and sustained effort, and through investment.

The second house is traditionally the house of
possessions and possessing. This makes good sense,
because it is here that the initial idea that was brought
across into the world of action, at the first house, draws

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