around it a response—whatever body of response is
appropriate to the idea. This is where the building gets
done and the body gets formed. As mentioned, this is
the formative sector, where things are built and
embodied. We are fashioning a new experience.
Second House (Tomb-Sign)
As mentioned earlier, the 45-degree point of the fixed
signs is what the Tibetan astrologers call a Tomb Sign.
It is a sticking point, where some resistance to our
efforts can be expected, so we should be prepared for it.
The question is: how are we to respond to this blockage
or resistance?
In this case—where we are already on about as much of
a roll as we ever will be—the answer is simple: press on.
This is the time to take control and gently press forward.
It is not a time to give up or back off. A productive time
like this will not come again soon, so regardless of what