
(Ann) #1
75 Diane Ravitch and Chester E. Finn, Jr., What Do Our 17-Year-Olds Know?
Harper & Row (1987).
76 Lynne Cheney, “My Turn,” Newsweek,August 11, 1986.
77 Roger Smith, Educating Managers,Jossey-Bass (1986).
78 Frank Stanton, Chronicle of Higher Education,September 1986.
78 Ray Bradbury, “Management From Within,” New Management,Vol. I,
No. 4, 1984.
84 Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers, Power of Myth(1988).
88 J. Robert Oppenheimer, Science and the Common Understanding,Simon &
Schuster (1957).
88 John Cleese, “No More Mistakes and You’re Through,” Forbes,May

Chapter 5: Operating on Instinct
96 Carl Sagan, The Dragons of Eden,Random House (1977).
105 Wallace Stevens, Necessary Angel,Vintage (1942).
106 Henry James, Notebooks of Henry James,edited by F. O. Matthiessen and
Kenneth B. Murdock, Oxford University Press (1961).

Chapter 6:
Deploying Yourself: Strike Hard, Try Everything
125 Mark Salzman, “Wushu: Meditation in Motion,” New York Times Magazine,
March, 1987.
126 George Leonard, Esquire,March 1986.
130 Carlos Fuentes, as quoted in Elle.

Chapter 7: Moving Through Chaos
137 Jacob Bronowski, Ascent of Man,Little, Brown (1973).
139 Morgan McCall and Michael Lombardo, study cited in “Learning the
Lessons of Successful Leadership,” Success,April 1984.
140 John Keats, letter to his brothers, George and Thomas (1817).
140 John Gardner, “Leadership Papers,” Leadership Studies Program, Inde-
pendent Sector (1987).
145 Lynn Harrell, Ovation.
146 Frank Rich, “The Father Figure,” New York Times Magazine, September
30, 2001; “Person of the Year 2001: Rudy Giuliani,” Time, December 31,
2001-January 7, 2002; “Setting a New Standard for Leadership: Mayor
Rudy Giuliani,” People, December 31, 2001.


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