
(Ann) #1
Chapter 8: Getting People on Your Side
153 Max De Pree, Leadership Is an Art,University of Michigan Press (1988).
156 William Frederick and James Weber, study, University of Pittsburgh (1988).
156 Marilyn Cash Mathews, study, Washington State University (1988).

Chapter 9: Organizations Can Help—or Hinder
167 Bennis et al., Transparency.
169 U.S. Census 2000; “Data Points: Changing U.S. Demographics, Getting
Older and More Diverse,” U.S. News & World Report, http://www.usnews.com,
November 9, 2008.
171 Tom Peters, personal communication.
176 Tom Peters, Thriving on Chaos,Knopf (1987).
177 Albert Einstein, letter.
178 Morgan McCall, Jr., Michael Lombardo, and Ann Morrison, The Lessons
of Experience,Lexington Books (1988).
179 Lyman W. Porter and Lawrence E. McKibbon, Management Education and
Development: Drift or Thrust into the 21 st Century,McGraw-Hill (1988).

Chapter 10: Forging the Future
186 Paul Krugman, “The End of Middle-Class America (and the Triumph of
the Plutocrats),” New York Times Magazine, October 20, 2002.
187 Rosabeth Moss Kanter, When Giants Learn to Dance,Simon & Schuster
188 Max De Pree, Leadership Is an Art,University of Michigan Press (1988).
192 D. Verne Morland, “Lear’s Fool: Coping With Change Beyond Future
Shock,” New Management,Vol. II, No. 2.
193 J. Sterling Livingston, “Pygmalion in Management,” Harvard Business
Review,September–October 1988.
194 Elizabeth Drew, “Letter From Washington,” The New Yorker,October
10, 1988.
195 James O’Toole, Vanguard Management,Doubleday (1985).


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