
(Ann) #1
Breslau, Karen, 216
Bronowski, Jacob, 137
Brooks, David, 40–41
Bryant, Anne L., 86, 97, 118, 121,
on difficult boss, 141
on reflection, 57–58
Buñuel, Luis, 130
Burke, James E. (Jim), 80–81, 81, 88, 138,
190, 229
on changing an organization’s culture,
on communicating vision, 188
on learning from mistakes, 90–91
on mastery, 127
professional ethics and, 157, 158
on reflection, 108–109
Tylenol crisis and, 102, 142–145
Burns, George, 193
Bush, George H. W., 38, 39
Bush, George W., 38, 200, 214
2000 election of, xiv, 2–3
distinctive voice of, xxv
failure of presidency of, 3, 40, 204–210
American culture and, xxxii–xxxiii, 17
challenges to American, 18
changes in, 8–9
education for, 80–82
scandals, xviii–xix, 3, 5–6, 156
Byrd, Richard, 86
Cable television, 9, 211, 217
Caesar, Julius, 115
Campbell, Joseph, 17, 84
Candor, xxi–xxii, 34, 207–209
Capabilities, abilities and, 116–118
Capacity for leadership, xxxi
Carlyle, Thomas, xxxiv
Carlzon, Jan, 188–189
Carter, Jimmy, xiv, 37, 38, 125, 192–193
Carter, Rosalynn, 38
Castenada, Carlos, 130
Celebrity CEO, xvi–xvii
Center for Creative Leadership, 139
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 7, 16
Challenger explosion, xxi
Champy, James, 176
adaptive capacity and, xxvi
in American business, 8–9

approach of organizations to, 165–166
leaders allowing in own lives, 162–164
managing, 137
pivotal forces of, 166–171
using leadership voice for, 159–164
in world, xiii–xvi, 162
Chaos, 186–187
Character, xxvi, xxviii, 24, 134
Character Above All(McCullough), xxvi
Charisma, 147, 217–218
Chast, Roz, 200–201
Chayefsky, Paddy, 27
Cheney, Dick, 76, 205–206
Cheney, Lynne, 76–77
Childhood, growing from experiences of,
58, 62–63, 93
as economic force, xv, 11, 169, 203
impact on United States, 10
Churchill, Winston, xxiv, xxxiii, 2
Cleese, John, 88–89
Cleveland, Harlan, xxxi–xxxii
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 212, 213, 214,
Clinton, William J. (Bill), xiv, 2, 38,
39–40, 206–207, 218
Closing of the American Mind, The
(Bloom), 75
Club of Rome, 68–71
Codifying thoughts, 45
Colbert, Stephen, 9, 211
Collaboration, xxii–xxiii, 132
Common good, individual vs., 13
Communication, Internet and, 8
creating, 155
organization as, xix–xx, 184
responsibility to, 132–133
World Wide Web and worldwide, xv,
Competence, 124–127, 155
Complexity of life, 95–96
Conflicts, resolutions of life, 60–62, 113
Congruity, 152
Constancy, 152
changing, 8–20
imagining future, 71–72
mastering, xiv–xv, xxx–xxxi, 26–31,
recognizing, 20


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