
(Ann) #1
Coolidge, Calvin, 14
Corday, Barbara, 80, 87, 190, 191, 195,
changes in career of, 162
on difficult bosses, 141–142
on empathy, 148
on enthusiasm, 124
on failure, 89–90
on getting people on your side, 150
on learning from experience, 138–139
on reflection, 110
on self-mastery, 126–127
Corporate leadership, vs. movement
leadership, 150–151
Covenantal relationships, 154
Cradles of Eminence(Goertzel and
Goertzel), 73–74
Crandall, Bob, 10
Creative collaboration, xxii–xxiii
Creative problem solving, 71
Creativity, 78–79, 89, 177
adaptive capacity and, xxvii
age and, 130–131
money and, xix
reflection and, 84–85
strategic thinking and, 128
Crises of life, 60–62, 113
Crucible of leadership, xxiv–xxv, 36, 226
Cultural illiteracy, 75–76
Cultural Literacy: What Every American
Needs to Know(Hirsch), 75
of candor, xxi–xxii
changing, 186
Curiosity, 35, 98
Daley, Richard, 36
Daring, 35
Darwin, Charles, xxxiv, xxxiii
De Pree, Max, 153–154, 188, 191
Deets, Horace B., 91, 138, 230
Demographic changes
aging population, 9, 169–170
Latino population, 9, 170–171
Deregulation, 9
Desire to achieve, 122–124
Deukmejian, George, 220
Dialectical thinking, 131
Dick Ferris Syndrome, 195
Dickens, Charles, 67
Dickinson, Emily, 12, 47

Dinesen, Isak, 111
Dissent, encouraging, 190–192
Dockson, Robert R., 67, 86, 122, 128,
133, 230–231
on changing an organization’s culture,
on learning from failure, 142–143
Doctor Zhivago(Pasternak), 59
Dot-com implosion, xxiv
Downey, Morton, Jr., 116
Dragons of Eden, The(Sagan), 96
Dream, managing, 188–190
Drew, Elizabeth, 194–195
Drive, desire vs., 123
Drucker, Peter, 155, 188
Dubai, 11
Dukakis, Michael, 194–195
Edison, Thomas, 11, 12
Educating Managers(Smith), 77
business and, 80–82
training vs.,42–44, 66
See alsoLearning
Edwards, John, 222
Einstein, Albert, 2, 65–66, 177–178
Eisenhower, Dwight, 36–37, 38, 88
Eisner, Michael, 195
Elmandjra, Mahdi, 69
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, xxxi, xviii, 29,
46, 98–99
Emotional Intelligence, xxv
Empathy, xxv, 148–149
Empowerment, 179–182
Emulation, 52
Enron scandal, xxii, xviii, 5, 6, 156
Entrepreneurs, 99
Environmental determinism, 63–64
Erikson, Erik, 60–62, 113
Escalante, Jaime, 194
Ethics, professional, 156–158
European Union, xv–xvi, 8, 10, 18
Executive compensation, xix, xvii–xviii
Experience, learning from, 89–93,
135–146, 178
Expression, means of, 134
learning from, 20, 89–91, 111, 182
reflection and, 110–111
Wallenda Factor and, 143


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