
(Ann) #1
Leadership Is an Art(De Pree), 153–154,
Lear, Norman, xxxiii, 26–31, 68, 235–236
on Emerson, 98–99
on impact of business on ethics,
on individuality, 44
on leading through adversity, 140
on short-term thinking, 16–17,
on significance of citizen, 19
on success, 48
vision of, 30, 34
about the world, 67–93
adult, xxxiv–xxxv
from adversity, 20, 88–93, 138–140,
cultural illiteracy and, 75–76
from experience, 89–93, 135–146, 178
experiences significant for, 68–69
from friends and mentors, 59, 85–88
groups and, 87–88
innovative, 70–73
liberal arts education, 76–78, 80
lifelong, 78–82
maintenance, 69–70, 72
from mistakes, 89–91, 182
modes of, 52–53
motivations for, 53
opportunities for leadership and,
reflection and, 109–110
schools and, 74–76
scientific, 53
self-invention and, 58–60, 65–66
self-motivated, 78–79
shock, 69–70, 72–73
teaching vs.,65–66
travel and, 83–84
unlimited potential for, 56
See alsoSelf-knowledge
“Lear’s Fool: Coping With Change
Beyond Future Shock” (Morland),
Left-brain thinking, 96–97
Lehman Brothers, 3, 219
Lennon, John, 61
Leonard, George, 126
Lessons of Experience(McCall, Lombardo
& Morrison), 178

Levitt, Arthur, Jr., xxviii
Lewin, Kurt, 135, 186
Lewinsky, Monica, 40
Lewis, John, 220
Lexus and the Olive Tree, The(Friedman), xv
Liberal arts education, 76–78, 80
Lieberman, Joe, 213
Life stages, 60–62, 113
Lincoln, Abraham, 44, 218, 223
Lippman, Walter, 137
Little Red Book, The(Carlzon), 189
Livingston, J. Sterling, 193–194
Locke, John, xxxiv
Lombardi, Vince, 102
Lombardo, Michael M., 139–140, 178,
180, 182, 183
Lonely Crowd, The(Riesman), 58
Long-term thinking, 195
Lorenzo, Frank, 10
Loyalty, candor vs., 207
Luck, 102
Luther, Martin, xxxiii
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 102
Madison, James, 12, 13, 226
Mahler, Gustav, 181
Maintenance learning, 69–70, 72
Maldutis, Julius, 10
Malitza, Mircea, 69
Managerial skills, 67
Managers, leaders vs.,41–46, 132
Mandela, Nelson, xxiv, xiii
Markets, forces affecting, 166–173
Maslow, Abraham, 13, 107
Mastery, 124–127
Mathews, Marilyn Cash, 156
Maturity, 34, 35
Maxwell, Robert, 141
MBA degree, 80–81, 81
McAuliffe, Christa, xxi
McCain, John, 213–214, 215, 217,
219–220, 221, 222
McCall, Morgan W., Jr., 139–140, 178,
180, 182, 183
McCaskill, Claire, 41
McClellan, Scott, 208–209
McCullough, David, xxvi
McGee, Michael B., 236
McKibbon, Lawrence, 179
McLuhan, Marshall, 8
Megacorporations, 8


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