
(Ann) #1
Melville, Herman, 12
Mentors, xxvii–xviii, 85–88, 183
Michael, Donald, 190
Middle class, disappearance of, xvii, 14
Middle East, 11–12, 209–210
Milken, Michael, 5
Minsky, Marvin, 115
Mission, 152, 155, 176, 184, 188
embracing, 190
learning from, 89–91, 182
reflecting on, 111
Moments of Truth (Destroying the Pyramids)
(Carlzon), 189
Money, creativity and, xix
Moral leadership, 38
Morland, D. Verne, 192
Morrison, Ann M., 178, 180, 182, 183
Moss, Jerry, 100, 120, 227
Movement leadership, 150–151, 153
Moyers, Bill, 84
Nader, Ralph, xxvi
Nanus, Burt, xxix
Napoleon, 102
Nature-nurture debate, 63–64
New Economy, xvi, 6
News, alternative sources of, 9, 211
Niche marketing, 172
9/11, xxv, xxiii, 15, 16, 146
Nixon, Richard M., 37, 38, 46, 206, 218
No Limits to Learning: Bridging the Human
Gap(Botkin, Elmandjra & Malitza),
Notebooks(James), 106
Obama, Barack, 212–213, 220, 222
challenges facing, 223–224
charisma and, 217, 218
election of, 2, 9, 40–41
narrative of, 215
Powell endorsement of, 222–223
Obstacles. SeeAdversity
O’Hagen, Andrew, 202–203
Olson, Ken, 183
Once-born leaders, 46
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, Jr., 88
Opportunities for leadership, 179–182
Optimism, 192–193
Organization man, 96
Organizational Dynamics(Akin), 52

change and, 159–166
as community, xix–xx, 184
forces affecting, 166–173
leaders and effectiveness of, 5
leadership development and,
leadership tasks of, 176–177
people as primary resource of, 174,
as social architect, 174
successful characteristics of, 176
Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative
Collaboration(Bennis and
Biederman), xxii–xxiii
O’Toole, Jim, 195–196
Paige, Satchel, xxxvii
Palin, Sarah, 214, 216, 217, 218,
219, 220
Pan Qingfui, 125–126
Participation, 71
Passion, 34
Pasternak, Boris, 59
Paulson, Henry, 200
Peccei, Aurelio, 69
People as organizational resource, 174,
People skills, 147–164
Personal growth, 53
Personal vision, 183
Personality, origins of, 64
Perspective, 109, 114–116
Peters, Tom, 171–172, 176–177
Piaget, Jean, xxxiii, 65
Picasso, Pablo, 130–131
Plame, Valerie, 3, 208
Plato, xxxv, xxxiv, 186
Point of view, 115–116
Pollack, Sydney, xxxvii, 190, 236–237
on learning, 71
on learning from experience, 136–137
on mistakes, 91
on motivating people to follow,
on right-brain leadership, 102–105
on self-knowledge, 45
on teaching leadership, 127–128
Porter, Lyman, 179
Powell, Colin, 212, 220, 222–223
Practical accomplishment, 52


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