ugly as sinmod. very ugly. This car’s as
ugly as sin, but it’s cheap and dependable.
My old hound dog is ugly as sin but
faithful as the dickens.
uke and yuke[juk] 1. in. to empty one’s
stomach; to vomit. (Collegiate. See also
puke.) I think somebody yuked in the
backseat, Tom. My friends wouldn’t uke
in my car! 2. n. vomit. (Collegiate.)
That is uke on the f loor, isn’t it? Te l l m e
that the stuff in the backseat isn’t uke!
ump[@mp] n. an umpire. The ump was
gonna get killed if he didn’t open his eyes.
The ump has a pretty rough job.
umpteen[“@mptin] mod. many; innumer-
able. I’ve told you umpteen times not
to feed the cat right out of the can. There
are umpteen ways to do this right. Can you
manage to do one of them?
umpteenthGo to umpty-umpth.
umpty-umpth and umpteenth[“@mpti-
”@mpT and “@mp”tintT] mod. thousandth,
billionth, zillionth, etc. (Represents some
very large, but indefinite number.)
This is the umpty-umpth time I’ve told you
to keep your dog out of my yard. This
is the umpteenth meeting of the joint con-
ference committee, but still there is no bud-
Uncle nabn. a policeman. Uncle nab is
coming. Look sharp! Watc h out f or Un -
cle nab. He’s been asking about you.
Uncle (Sam) and Uncle Sugar 1. n. the
personification of the U.S. Uncle Sugar
wants a little more of your money this
year.Tell Uncle to spend a little less.
2.n. a federal agent; federal agents.
The cops called in Uncle Sam to help in the
investigation. Uncle has some pretty
strong ideas about who’s in charge of this
Uncle SugarGo to Uncle (Sam).
Uncle WhiskersGo to Mr. Whiskers.
uncoolmod. square;dull and orthodox.
Oh, what an uncool weirdo! This place
is uncool. Let’s cruise.
uncut 1. mod. unedited; not shortened by
editing. I saw the whole uncut movie.
The uncut version is too long. 2. mod. not
circumcised. My brother and I are both
underpinningsn. the legs. He has good
underpinnings—ought to be able to run
faster. With underpinnings like that, he
ought to be able to win the marathon.
under someone’s thumb mod. under
someone’s control. You can’t keep your
kids under your thumb all their lives. I
don’t want all this under my thumb. I have
to delegate a lot of it.
understandingn. the feet. (A pun. Always
singular.) The boy has a good under-
standing. Really big gunboats, in fact. I
always had a good understanding—even
when I was a kid.
under the affluence of incoholmod. al-
cohol intoxicated. (A deliberate spooner-
ism on under the inf luence of alcohol.)
Perhaps I am under the aff luence of inco-
hol just a little bit. You are very, very
much under the aff luence of incohol, as
you have so aptly put it.
under the gunmod. under pressure; under
scrutiny. I’ve been under the gun on this
one long enough. They’ve got the boss
under the gun to get this thing wound up
by Saturday.