Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

under the table 1. mod. alcohol intoxi-
cated. Jed was under the table by mid-
night. By 3:00 in the morning, every-
one was under the table. 2. mod. secret;
clandestine. (This is hyphenated before
a nominal.) It was strictly an under-
the-table deal. The mayor made a few
bucks under the table, too.

under the weather 1. mod. ill. I feel sort
of under the weather today. Whatever
I ate for lunch is making me feel a bit un-
der the weather. 2. mod. alcohol intoxi-
cated. Daddy’s under the weather again.
Wally’s just a tad under the weather.

under the wiremod. at the very last
minute. I got it in just under the wire.
It was in under the wire. Another ten
minutes and it would not have counted.

underwater basket weavingn. an imag-
inary, very easy high school or college
course. If I can just find a course in un-
derwater basket weaving, I’ll have an easy
semester. Mary majored in underwater
basket weaving.

underwhelmtv. & in. to fail to impress
(someone). Your talents simply under-
whelm me. As we were being under-
whelmed by a buxom soprano, my
thoughts drifted to more pleasant matters.
We know you tried, but you just under-

under wrapsmod. (held) in secret. We
kept it under wraps until after the election.
The plan we had under wraps had to
be scrapped anyway.

undiesn. underclothing; underpants, es-
pecially women’s. I like red undies. 
Where are my clean undies?

unearthlymod. weird; terrible. What
was that unearthly noise? There was an
unearthly smell coming out of the kitchen.
That’s not unearthly!

unflappablemod. not subject to distrac-
tion; imperturbable. Isn’t he great?
Truly unf lappable. She is totally un-
f lappable. I wish I was that unf lappable.

ungodlymod. horrendous; inconceivable.
What is that ungodly noise? What do
you want at this ungodly hour?

unit[“jun@t] 1. n. a gadget. Now, take one
of the red units—put the copper strip in
the slot—place the whole thing in this
larger unit—and you’re done. Hand me
that unit on the thingy there. 2. n. the pe-
nis. (Usually objectionable.) Why are
you always scratching your unit?
unitsGo to (parental) units.
unk-jayn. dope; junk. (Underworld. Pig
Latin for junk.) The creep deals in unk-
jay, you know—narcotics. Stay away
from the unk-jay.
unlax[@n”lAks] in. to unwind and relax. 
I just can’t wait to get home and unlax. 
Unlax, man. Take it easy.
unloadtv. to get rid of someone or some-
thing. We’re gonna unload all the cats
and dogs during the Christmas rush. 
Lemme unload this dame, and then we can
go out and have a little fun.
unrealmod. unbelievable. Your hairdo is
so yummy—almost unreal. Who started
this unreal argument?
up 1. mod. happy; cheery; not depressed;
upbeat. I’m up today. Let’s celebrate. 
This is not an up party. Let’s cruise. 2. tv.
to increase something. She tried to up
the price on me, thinking I wouldn’t notice.
The bank upped its rates again. 3. in. to
take a stimulant drug. She has to up
every morning. Ted upped before going
in to take the test.
up a creekGo to up shit creek (without
a paddle).
up against itmod. having a personal cri-
sis; having a financial crisis. This is my
bad season. I’m really up against it. Can
I bum a few bucks? I’m up against it this
up an’ AdamGo to up and at them.
up an’ at ’emGo to up and at them.
up and at them and up an’ at ’em; up
an’ Adamphr. to get up and go at peo-
ple or things; to get active and get busy.
(Adamis a misunderstanding ofat ’em.)
Come on, you guys! Up and at ’em!
Can’t sleep all day. Up and Adam! The
sun is shining.

up and at them
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