Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1

106 Diet Wise

cereal flakes and sodas (corn syrup sweetener). Corn is a common binder
in white tablets (pills), meaning a patient intolerant to it will react each time
they pop a medication.

No dairy products; not even goat milk or sheep milk substitutes. The
commonest allergy in this group is a protein called casein, which occurs in
all milks. Dairy produce is also widespread in our typical diet and is often
hidden from view. Milk, butter, margarine, cream, ice cream and yoghurt are
obvious sources. But fruit juice may contain lacto-fermented whey, which
is a dairy derivative.

No stimulant drinks. No tea, coffee or alcohol.

Quit smoking. You know you cannot seriously improve your health until
you do.
Cigarettes are probably the most addictive of all the common social
poisons. That is because tobacco is invariably a masked allergy. If you think
back to when you first started smoking, the chances are that it made you
quite unwell on the first few attempts (Stage I allergy), but you persisted
and learned to tolerate it (Stage 2). Finally a condition of dependence
was reached where too long a period without a dose produced withdrawal
reactions (Stage 3): by then it started making you ill. But please understand
this: I am not saying that unless you give up smoking this diet will not help
you; it almost certainly will. Try very hard to stop, but if you cannot that is
no reason to give up on your health – try the diet anyway.
Those afflicted with migraine and headaches should know of one
very important statistic: half of all headache sufferers who stop smoking
experience a dramatic improvement in their condition. Bear this in mind
when you are next dying for a puff.

No sugar or substitutes, whether “natural” or synthetic. No white sugar,
brown sugar or “natural sugar.” Honey is not allowed, no Stevia, aspartame,
saccharine or any other sweetener. None of the allowed foods need sweetening.
Give your taste buds a chance and get used to foods as they come.
After a few days, even a carrot will taste very sweet.

Egg is not allowed. This is a wonderful strange food. Allergy to egg can
be so exquisite that a patient kissing, or even shaking hands, with someone
who has eaten an egg will react severely. It can happen that cutting a cake
with egg in it and then using the same knife to cut an egg-free cake can lead
to a skin eruption in someone super-sensitive to egg. Ovalbumin is the usual

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