Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Elimination Diet Step 107

offending protein and occurs in all eggs. So turkey and duck eggs are not
allowed in this initial phase.

Chicken is not permitted. This is not a matter of estrogens and antibiotics
usually found in chicken (bad enough) but cross-reactions that can occur.
Chicken and egg are, of course, the same animal effectively and sensitivity
to one may mean a likely reaction to the other. You could eat capon (the
male bird), if you live in a rural district and wish to take the trouble of
tracking this down.

No citrus foods: that means no orange, lemon, grapefruit etc. At first
this may seem strange. True there are many adulterated brands of orange
juice, lemonade, etc. But the natural fruit should be OK, surely? Well, it’s
another of those empirical observations I made, meaning you just see it often
enough to believe it. Orange (especially) can be trouble. As I point out to
patients, the citrus family have very pungent odors: you can smell someone
peeling an orange or lemon across the room. Powerful chemical substances
such as this are the very stuff of allergy and intolerance reactions.
Last but not least: no manufactured food of any kind. Nothing
from cans, jars, cans, bottles or packages. Nothing altered, “smoked” or
flavored. Just eat your food as Nature made it.
It is hard for the layperson to grasp the criminal extent of
adulteration of processed foods. Not only are essential nutrients removed,
wholesale, but manufacturers will lie to you and try to pretend their product
is “vitamin enhanced” or some such absurd claim. Consider this in terms
of the story of a man walking down the street who is beaten up and robbed
of $100. His mugger then returns $5 and says “Here you are; you’re $5
But far worse are the atrocities put into food. Almost everything
you can buy at the supermarket, other than organic fresh fruit and vegetable
produce, has added chemicals. There are substances like polyphosphates,
which absorb water and allow manufacturers to sell you water in pretence
that it is a food ingredient. Bacon and ham may contain up to 45% water,
which to my mind is simple legal fraud.
Other ingredients you will find if you care to investigate are anti-
caking agents such as talcum powder (to stop food drying and looking like
the crumbly nonsense that it truly is); emulsifiers which affect consistency;
antioxidants, to retard the spoiling of fats; preservatives; and gelling or
thickening agents.
Note all this is without even considering the thousands of
chemicals that are used for flavoring and coloring. For years I kept a list

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