Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1

2 Diet Wise

Patients recovered and were rightly grateful and joyful. It was a
whole new enjoyable way of life: fresh, healthy, free and exciting.
Even breaking the taboo foods once in a while did not result in
a relapse for most. I used to liken this subject to a game and explain to
patients there are rules; simple rules to be sure. But like any game, if you
didn’t know the rules, you had little chance of winning!
I’m going to teach you all the rules. I’ll explain everything you need
to know right here in these pages, how to do it for yourself, without medical
help or any specialist knowledge. It may be the only diet book you will ever
need. Sounds unbelievable?
Well, just keep reading. It’s all here. But don’t skip. This diet is totally
different from anything you have read before. It’s basically a Custom Fit
Diet. The reason I say that will become clear as we go along. You need to
understand how it works, and why. The early chapters lay down important
ground work for success and you will learn things your doctor probably
doesn’t even know about, much less discuss with you. Later we get to how
you carry out the actual steps.
Be patient. This is a whole revolution we’re talking here; it’s a lot
to absorb.
I was taught these little-known secrets by earlier pioneers and got
miraculous results which catapulted me into media fame around the world.
For the first time in my career as a physician I began to see real recoveries,
real cures. I saw fewer patients, because it takes longer using this route, but I
made more sincere and lasting friends among my patients than I ever did in
the bad old days of pill pushing. In fact for almost forty years I have hardly
ever prescribed a pharmaceutical drug! Those who want them can always
get them from eager doctors, whose approach disease is dominated by the
pseudo-science of Big Pharma.
I have become a teacher in turn and realize that what I have learned
over the decades is a considerable body of diet wisdom that is vital for
everyone. This book summarizes most of what I know and is intended for
those who want to take control of their own health and learn the whys and
wherefores of body function and nutritional science.

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