Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1


Pills for Everything


hronic pill-popping is one of the hallmarks of our age. Conventional
medicine has sold us on the idea that there is a chemical for
everything, from bereavement to schizophrenia, panic attacks to
asthma, heartburn to malignant tumors. This is the mentality which insists
that depression is just a Prozac-deficiency; this is the floundering science
that says the answer to side-effects from drugs is more drugs.
But my standpoint is that any chronic medication is by definition a
failure: it doesn’t cure. If it did, there would be no need to continue taking
it! The best that this kind of therapy can do is treat symptoms. Even then,
it only masks them, because it is not based on solving the cause of the
problem but on suppressing the results. This has been likened to covering
up the oil warning light on your automobile. The symptom (red light) goes
away but the oil pressure remains too low and your automobile will die
young. If only my colleagues understood this in full.
I’d like to offer my own unique definition of a successful cure,
which is brutal and short: no symptoms, no treatment. If the condition needs
repeated treatment, even holistic remedies, to keep symptoms at bay, it isn’t
a cure. No disease, no requirement for treatment – that’s a cure! The only
way you are going to get that happy result is to call up Mother Nature.
Without her you will cure nothing, heal nothing, solve nothing.

Stay well and live long

You don’t need to be sick to benefit from this plan. If you consider yourself
fit and well, follow these steps and stay well for the rest of your life! We
now know that what you eat is a crucial and personal thing; what you eat
interacts with your genes and not every food is right for your genetic make

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