Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Elimination Diet Step 113

with so many strange chemicals and flavors, I cannot recommend these
products at this experimental stage.

Fowl. You may eat turkey, duck, quail and game birds (grouse and
pheasant) if you are so inclined. You can even buy ostrich steaks on the
Internet, from animals reared specially for the allergy market.

Any fish, and that means any fish or seafood in its natural state.
Avoid smoked fish, even if properly smoked. Most of it, however, is
not really smoked but treated with a synthetic flavoring. Kipper brown, for
instance (also known as brown FK and chocolate brown FK) contains the
• 4-(2,4-diaminophenylazo) benzenesulfonate, sodium salt
• 4-(4,6-diamino-m-tolylazo) benzenesulfonate, sodium salt
• 4,4’-(4,6-diamino-1,3-phenylenebisazo)-di(benzenesulfonate),
disodium salt
• 4,4’-(2,4-diamino-1,3-phenylenebisazo)-di(benzenesulfonate),
disodium salt
• 4,4’-(2,4-diamino-5-methyl-1,3-phenylenebisazo)-
di(benzenesulfonate), disodium salt
• 4,4’,4-(2,4-diaminobenzene-1,3,5-trisazo)-tri(benzenesulfonate),
trisodium salt

It’s E-number is 154. (If a food additive has an E number this shows it has
passed safety tests and been approved for use throughout the European
Union.) It may also be used for salmon coloring and, as you may guess,
for fake chocolate chips. It is currently banned in a number of countries,
including Austria, Norway, Sweden, Finland, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia,
France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Germany and Holland.

Any fruit except citrus. In modern supermarkets today there is a huge
variety of fruits, some of them quite exotic and not available to us a
few decades ago. Gone are the days when fresh fruit meant only apples,
pineapple, bananas, oranges and grapes. Now we have kiwi, papaya, mango,
Sharon (a variety of persimmon), star fruits, lychees, tangelos, exotic melons,
Asian pears, and pluots to name just a few. Be adventurous. Think outside
your normal habits.

All vegetables are allowed. This includes salad foods, naturally. Again, there
is a huge variety of roots and leaves available in the modern supermarket.
Colored ones are best (more antioxidants). But all have merits, even the

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