Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1

114 Diet Wise

flavor foods. Garlic is known for its antimicrobial and good cholesterol
properties; chili has been shown to protect against bowel polyps (which are
precancerous); cayenne pepper is good for arteries and the heart; curcumin
(in turmeric) has advanced anti-cancer properties; so does onion; the list
could go on and on.
Rutabaga (swede) mash makes a good substitute for the ordinary
potato; butternut squash likewise. You can eat sweet potato (Spanish batata)
or yams and these make nice fries if you cut them into penny circles and
shallow fry. For a rice substitute, use cauliflower mash; you’d hardly know
the difference, except visually.
Yes I know that 99% of vegetables are sprayed with chemicals many
times before harvesting. But unless you are choosing the organic eating plan
(more of that later), just tuck in and eat. Don’t worry at this stage about
the problems of storage, irradiation, nutritional content, GM variations or
anything else. It’s only for a couple of weeks.
Remember my key nutritional maxim: what you are lacking isn’t
nearly such a big problem as what you are eating that you shouldn’t. This radical
transformation of diet could be the most important health change you
make in your entire life.

Certain canned or packaged foods are allowed. Very few, but these
exceptions can be useful. Canned fish, such as sardines, salmon or tuna will
be fine. Canned tomatoes too can be added to soups such as minestrone.
Also frozen fish, vegetables and other foods. They may not be so nutritious
or tasty but can be pressed into use when little else is available. Just make
sure nothing is added and remember ingredients may not be listed: bisulfite
is commonly used to sterilize vegetables or stop them browning, like pre-
prepared fries, but would not be listed as an “ingredient.”

Finally, for the purposes of this diet, dried fruit and nuts are OK,
though a word of caution is needed. Most dried fruits are treated in some
way. This usually takes the form of coating with mineral oil and bleaching
with sulfur dioxide. These are substances to be avoided by choice, and it
is better to buy at a health food shop run by knowledgeable people who
can guarantee that their goods have not been subjected to this type of
adulteration (I use the word ‘knowledgeable’ advisedly, because it is a sad
fact that many health food shops are run by individuals who haven’t a clue
as to what they are selling!)
Salted peanuts and other packaged nuts are useless, as they
contain additives. Get dry shelled nuts only. Again, the organically-

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