Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1

168 Diet Wise

Once you have worked out a successful rotation diet on which you feel
well, it should continue to support you in good health, perhaps indefinitely,
barring any adversity or stress. That means many of your formerly allergic
foods can be avoided for long periods; thus you may lose many food allergies
by regaining your tolerance.
Eventually, you should be able to enjoy, in moderation, many of
your favorite indulgences. However, it must be stressed that these must only
be returned to your diet on a rotation basis, otherwise you will soon be in
trouble with them again. Remember: you may lose your individual allergies,
but you are unlikely to lose the tendency to develop them.
The best long-term answer to allergy and intolerance is overall
wellness, meaning: develop a healthy lifestyle, healthy relationships, a healthy
work environment and nourishing personal answers to the meaning of life.
Identify your goals and harmonize them with what you are doing, your
lifetime values and the goals and values of others around you.
General well being, I have found, is the best “cure” for allergy and
intolerance problems. Avoidance and control of allergies and intolerance,
as described in this and other chapters in the book, should really only be a
short-term solution, while your body recovers its balance.
However that’s altogether another book (which I’m planning!)

Extending the rotation diet

The above diet is fairly simple and can be extended in a number of ways:
for example you may add a nut each day, a hot drink, a cold drink, a fish and
so on. The only practical limits on this are just how much complexity you
can allow without getting confused and making mistakes and how many
safe foods you can find. Keep food families firmly in mind when making
an addition, and don’t cross these; in general, add similar foods on the same
day. Nevertheless, you may find you are able to tolerate members of the
same family on alternate days: to some extent this is a case of trial and
A more elaborate rotation diet is given below, to give you an idea
of what can be done with a bit of ingenuity. It may save you the bother of
making up your own.

This is the province of unusual and very sick patients. The average reader would do well
to skip the remainder of this chapter, which I have included as a duty to those who need
extra help and are without a knowledgeable healthcare specialist.

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