Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Myths of Nutritional Medicine 25

For example the breakfast is supposed to be fruit. That means no toast and
no cereals (and therefore very probably little or no milk). Those two simple
changes are enough to make the majority of the population feel healthier,
because grains, especially wheat and dairy products are the two most
common incompatible foods. I estimate that over 80% of the population
are intolerant to one or the other, or both. That means a great many people
are going to feel better while on the food combining diet; in other words,
excluding foods. We don’t need any hokey food science to explain that.

From what you have just read there follow two more very important diet
principles that you need to understand and remember:

Ultimate Diet Principle 3.

All published set diets make a percentage of people worse because they are
forced to eat more of their toxic foods. You can take it as a further “rule”
that you just don’t get to hear of these failures! The author of the latest
best-selling diet just does not know or does not care about the failures. In
true medico-style it is the patient who is blamed: the unlucky individual is
shrugged off as “atypical” or just plain difficult.
The vast majority of patients who do feel unwell, naturally, never
bother to report to the author of the diet what has happened. They maybe
blame themselves, feel worse and just quit the diet with a sigh, hoping the
next plan might be the one for them.
So for all the hype and success stories you hear, whatever the diet,
just remember the luckless individuals who got worse!

Ultimate Diet Principle 4.

There is only one diet that is right for you and you must figure it out for
You need to know which are your personal toxic foods and avoid
those, possibly for life, though there are exceptions to this, as we shall see.
How to work out this crucial knowledge is one of the most important steps
you will ever take in regard to your health. The major part of this book is
devoted to helping you in this quest for safe, harmonious and user-friendly
The only way to find out for sure what’s happening with you is
to test it yourself, using the best available test instrument we have – your

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