Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1

68 Diet Wise

doctors think of dust and mold, arrange skin tests and then, when these
prove negative, think no further of the allergy problem. Again, very defective
logic. Even when dust or mite allergy show up, that may be misleading. The
physician assumes this is the cause of the allergic inflammation and never
looks any further. If the real culprit is a food and the patient is given the
false and deadly belief that the cause of the problem is dust, he or she is left
with a double whammy. Nothing is going to resolve the problem. A lifetime
of medications – a short one at that – is on the cards for sure.
In Mark’s case, he was lucky. I quickly found that dairy products
and eggs were killer pathogens, I took him off the foods and he recovered
quickly and completely. The last I heard of him was a nice letter from his
Mum: Mark was attending college doing fine, enjoyed athletics and was in
the rugby football team, playing forward (a fast runner position).
Think the allergens I keep listing are pretty much the same?
Luke was a 58-year-old man with severe asthma. He was so allergic
to tomatoes he could not even tolerate their presence. Avoiding tomatoes,
he was symptom-free. Then one day he was carrying home the groceries
from the corner store and developed a severe wheezing attack. Luke was
puzzled until he found that one of the bags he had been hugging to his
chest contained tomatoes (his wife had arranged the grocery pick-up and
forgot to warn him).


One of the most important of all healing principles, if not the most important,
is that of total body load. It is the key to all recoveries and overcoming all
disease processes. No doctor really cures anything; Nature does that. All the
successful physician can do is to reduce body load to allow this process to
take place. Unfortunately, modern medicine and its drugs often adds to the
biological burden instead of relieving it.
Along with all living creatures we are endowed with a number of key
regulatory mechanisms. One can only be amazed that they rarely seem
to break down, rather than being surprised and disconcerted when they
do. The skin protects us from temperature variation and dehydration, the
immune system wards off micro-organisms, the kidneys eliminate poison
waste, the liver detoxifies an ever-increasing amount of xenobiotic (alien)
chemicals and other factors regulate the acid-base balance within the body.
Every day, every minute, trouble is nipped in the bud before it gets started
and we remain unaware of what is taking place: we feel OK. It is only
when the defenses are overworked that we actually experience any health

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