Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
Overload and Target Organs 69

problems at all. By the time we are aware of a symptom, any symptom, the
defenses have already broken down and matters are really quite serious.

Types of overload

Overloading the system is thus asking for trouble. This is true for all of
us, not just allergy patients. There are many ways to overload. Table 11.1
summarizes most of these. A mere glance will tell you that this list is also a
summary of clinical ecology to date.

Conditions Contributing to Overload:

Stress Endocrine disorders
Allergies Electromagnetic fields
Chemical pollution Fatigue
Drugs Nutritional deficiencies
Geopathic stress Radioactivity
Mercury toxicity Alcohol
Hidden infections Oxidative stress

Overload can lead to an almost infinite variety of disease symptoms.
Mental breakdown, heart disease, ulcers and cancer are just some of the
possibilities. Which symptoms arise from which stressor comes under the
consideration of so-called target (or ‘shock’) organs. Something will break
down and usually it is the inherent weak link that snaps first. If the overload
is prolonged or severe, more and more end-organs will fail and symptoms
and complications will multiply.

Reducing the load

The opposite side of the equation works just as effectively and can be turned
to good use by a skilled physician. Any legitimate means of reducing body
load helps, directly or indirectly, with any illness: better nutrition will aid
the fight against cancer; eating fewer stress foods can help hay fever (stress
foods include those you are allergic to, refined carbohydrates – which can
cause adrenal stress – or food additives [chemical toxins], etc.); clearing up
hidden infections such as Candida will reduce PMT; eliminating hairsprays
and perfumes may improve catarrh (even though dust is the main cause);
stopping smoking aids fertility and moving away from geopathic stress will

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