political science

(Wang) #1

Canada (cont.)
ineVective bicameralism 273
secessionist pressures 265
and local governance 501 , 502
and democratic government 155 – 8
constrained by 156 – 7
control of economic
institutions 155 – 6
and economic institutions 150 – 4
Anglo-Saxon capitalism 152
comparative studies 151
East Asian capitalism 152
institutional diVerentiation 152
institutional fatalism 154
Rhineland capitalism 152
role of agency 153 – 4
and federalism 262
and regulatory capitalism 410 , 412
business size 416
corporate regulation of states 426 – 7
created by mega-corporations 421 – 4
globalization of mega-corporate
capitalism 419 – 21
impact of corporatization 418 – 19
impact of securitization 418 – 19
impact on tax-collection 424 – 5
non-state regulators 423 – 4
research agendas 427 – 8
separation of powers 426 – 7
and varieties of 393
and welfare state 393 – 5
caste, and inclusion-and-exclusion 172 – 3
center-periphery relationships:
and governance 292 – 4
and interorganizational analysis 289 – 92
and national context 295 – 7
and political dynamics 286 – 8
and state theories 288 – 9
and territorial politics 281 , 285
see alsointergovernmental relations
central banks 156
centrality, and network analysis 78
and presidential authority (USA) 309 – 11

and territorial politics 287
Challengerspace shuttle 372
change, institutional 7 , 11 – 15
and agency questions 43 – 4
economic institutions 153 – 4
and balancing exploitation/
exploration 13
and competing institutions 14
and conXict 14
and constructivist institutionalism 64 – 5
and democracies 12
and diYculties with 754 – 5
and discontinuities 12
and elites 45 – 8 , 164
and feedback 146
and ideas 41 , 68
and incrementalism 12 – 13
and institutional diversity 15
and institutional environment 14 – 15
and lock-in 146
and paradigm shifts 67 – 8
and path dependency 12 , 39 , 64 – 5 , 146
and post-formative change 60 – 1
and processes of 11
and role of leadership 154
and social movements 48 – 50
and sources of 12
and state-society interaction 50 – 2
checks-and-balances regimes:
and legislative responsibilities 435 – 6 ,
448 – 51
and separation of powers 219
and veto players 225
chemical industry, and regulation 423 – 4
Chicago School 410 – 11
Chile 443 , 445
China 277 , 650
Civic Capacity and Urban Education
Project 511
Civil Aeronautics Board (USA) 417
Civil Rights Act (USA, 1964 ) 180 , 549
civil rights movement 48 , 177 , 180
and integration 715 – 16
civil service:
and accountability of 332 – 3

784 subject index

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