political science

(Wang) #1

and politicization of 335 – 6
and reform of, elite-centered
approaches 46
see alsobureaucracy
civil society:
and ambiguity of concept 131
and contemporary understandings of
concept 139 – 41
and deWnition of 678 – 9
and development of concept:
changes in meaning of words 135 – 6
contemporary interest in 138 – 9
decline of interest in ( 19 th/ 20 th
century) 136 – 7
in Eastern Europe 138
English contractarian school 134
Global Civil Society movement 139
Hegelian/Marxist view of 135
identiWcation with government and
state 134 – 5
Kant’s view of 135
late-twentieth century revival 137 – 8
in mid-twentieth century 137
post-Roman Europe 133
Rome 132 – 3
seventeenth-century Europe 133 – 4
as sphere of voluntary cooperation
usage of the term 678 – 80
and diversity of meanings 131 – 2 , 139 – 41
and growth of 676 – 7
and international nongovernmental
organizations 677 – 8
distinction between 678
and rediscovery of concept 132 , 677 – 8
see alsointernational nongovernmental
organizations (INGOs)
and inclusion-and-exclusion 172 – 3
and social policy 392
and United Kingdom 714
cleavage management, and
bicameralism 491
climate change, and American
federalism 246

and executive-legislative relations 355 – 6
and minority inclusion 169 – 71
and multiparty systems 561 – 2 , 571 – 2 , 582
coercion, and statehood 112 , 113
cognitive networks 84
cohesion, and network analysis 79
collective action:
and historical institutionalism 42
and international economic institutions
(IEIs) 658
and international security
institutions 646 – 7
and rational choice institutionalism 28
cooperation 31 – 2
free-riding 30
political entrepreneurs 31
selective beneWts 30 – 1
unstructured institutions 30 – 2
and thinking institutionally 742
collective responsibility, and parliamentary
government 326 , 330 , 332 , 708
collective security systems (CSS):
and international security
institutions 639 – 40
and United Nations 618 , 621
and failures of 711
and representation of diversity 436 – 40
Columbia 492
Commonwealth 616
communitarianism 713
Comparative States Election Studies
(CSES) 568
comparative studies 755 – 6
and capitalism 151
and executives in parliamentary
government 337 – 9
and formal-legal analysis 95
competitive selection, and institutional
change 11
and network institutionalism 76 , 81
and reXexive regulation hypothesis
148 – 9

subject index 785
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