political science

(Wang) #1

federalism (cont.)
and diverse views of 240
and diversity/uniformity
debates 245 – 6
and federal monies 252
and federal regulation 252 – 3
and implementation of federal
policy 240
and inclusion-and-exclusion 181 – 2
and intergovernmental lobbying 241 ,
243 – 4 , 254 – 5
and intergovernmental
management 249 , 250
and intergovernmental
relations 249 – 50 , 256 , 274
and interventionist state 246
and national-state relations 240 – 1
and policy centralization 250 – 1 , 256
and public policy 247 – 8 , 256
and reduced policy diversity 240
and Republican Party 248
and role of states 243
and small government 246
and state/local government
competition 242
and subnational governments 239 , 241
and tax policy 250 – 1
and territorial politics 242 – 4
and United States Constitution 195 – 7
as association of associations 264
and bicameral legislatures 272 – 3 , 478 , 479
and characteristics of 263
and comparative 256 – 7
and constitutions:
diYculties in amending 269 – 70
written 268 – 9
and deWnition of 263 – 4
and direct democracy 606
and dual citizenship 264
and ethnic diversity 265
and favorable contemporary
environment for 262 – 3
and federal countries 266 – 7
andWscal policy 250 – 1 , 274 – 5
and future development of 276 – 7

and globalization 262 , 276
and government size 274 , 276
and institutions of 267 – 8
and intergovernmental relations 273 – 6
and judicial review 270 – 1
and liberal pluralism 265 , 266
and multiple allegiances 264 – 5
and policy innovation 275 – 6
and post-sovereignty world 262 – 3
and redundancy theory 485
and reelection rates 444
and renewed interest in 261
and secessionist pressures 265
and spread of 261 – 2
and territory size 265 – 6
Federalist Papers 598
and bicameralism 487 – 9
Federalist Society 687
feedback, and institutions 146
feminism 121 – 3
see alsogender
Wlibusters, and US Senate 461
and economic regulation 147 – 51
national styles hypothesis 147 – 8
reXexive regulation hypothesis 148 – 9
state’s role 152
and signiWcance of 146 – 7
Wscal policy:
and center-periphery
relationships 288 – 9
and corporatization, impact on tax-
collection 424 – 5
and federalism 250 – 1 , 274 – 5
and welfare state 395 – 6
Xoor votes, and legislative
transparency 441 – 2
Food and Drug Administration (USA) 417
force, and proscription of 639
Forest and Marine Stewardship
Councils 427
formal-legal analysis 91 , 94 – 7 , 102 – 3
and constitutions 95
and nature of approach of 95
comparative studies 95

792 subject index

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