political science

(Wang) #1

and American presidency, quantitative
research on 304 – 5
assessing success of presidents 313
budget proposals 313 – 14
centralization of presidential
authority 309 – 11
criticism of lack of 303 – 4
data limitations 319
enhanced quality of 308 – 9
increase in 308 , 317 – 18
inXuence on Congress 314 – 15
institutional constraints 318 – 19
lack of theoretical basis 318
policy inXuence 314 – 17
public appeals 311 – 14
publication trends in 305 – 8 , 317
unilateral powers 315 – 17
and executive-legislative relations 346
bicameralism 481 – 2
checks on power 435 – 6 , 448 – 51
hierarchical 346 – 50
impact of regime type 361 – 2
information asymmetry 443
origins of systems of 363
oversight 364
parliamentary democracies 350 , 351 ,
352 – 6
presidential democracies 350 – 1 , 356 – 8
semi-presidentialism 351 – 2 , 359 – 60
theoretical considerations 347 – 50
transactional 346 – 50
and growth in power of 52 – 3
in parliamentary government:
accountability 331 – 4
civil service accountability 332 – 3
collective responsibility 326 , 330 , 332
comparative analysis 337 – 9
consequences of institutional
diVerences 336 – 7
core executive approach to 326 – 7 ,
338 – 9
deWnition of 325
executive coordination 330 – 1
government overload 334 – 5

limitations of literature on 324 – 5 , 328
ministerial responsibility 332
approach 326
network accountability 333 – 4
plurality of policy advice 335
politicization of civil service 335 – 6
presidentialization of prime
ministers 328 – 30 , 483
rational choice institutionalism
approach to 327 , 338
reasons for studying 340
traditions 340
veto players 339 – 40
Westminster approach to 325 – 6
expertise, and development in
legislatures 434 – 5 , 442 – 4
impact of tenure 444 – 5
exploitation, and institutional change 13
exploration, and institutional change 13
export control agreements 639
expulsion, and exclusion 183
extermination, and exclusion 183

Fabianism 101
failed states 128
Falkland Islands conXict ( 1982 ) 647
Federal Communications Commission
(USA) 417
Federal Elections Bill (USA, 1890 ) 179
Federal Reserve Bank 411
Federal Trade Commission (USA) 417
federalism 276 , 757
and absence of state
representation 244 – 5
and balance of power 250 – 1
and centralized federalism 246 , 247
and comparative studies 256 – 7
and competitive federalism 246 , 247 ,
and complexity of 255 – 6
and conXict of territorial/functional
politics 240 , 242 , 244 , 256
and constitutional dimension 241

subject index 791
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