political science

(Wang) #1

Hague conferences ( 1899 , 1907 ) 615
Harare Declaration ( 1991 ) 616
hegemony, and statehood 113
heresy 697
and bureaucracy 373 , 383
and executive-legislative
relations 346 – 50
parliamentary democracies 352 – 6
presidential democracies 356 – 8
and inequality 696
and networks 77 – 8
historical eYciency, and institutions 11
historical institutionalism 751
and agency questions 43 – 4
approaches to 44
and analytical narratives 34 – 5
and central assumption of 39
and collective action 42
and concerns of 42
and constructivist institutionalism 60 – 3 ,
and disequilibrium dynamics 61
and distinctiveness of 61 – 2
and epistemology of 41 – 3
and executive power 52 – 3
and historical analysis of
institutions 39 – 40
and ideas 42 , 66 – 7
and institutional change 754 – 5
elite-centered approaches 45 – 8
social movements 48 – 50
and methodology 44
and modernization focus of 52
and normative focus of 42 – 3
and path dependency 39 , 43 – 4
and rational choice institutionalism 42 , 43
and reemergence of 40 – 1
and state-society interaction 50 – 2
and ‘‘undisciplined’’ nature of 44
see alsonew institutionalism
Holocaust 183
‘‘home styles,’’ and US Congress 465 – 6
House of Lords 477
Hudson Bay Company 413 , 419

Iceland 478
idealism 97 – 9 , 698
and constructivist institutionalism 65
and crises 70 – 1
and historical institutionalism 42 , 66 – 7
and inXuence of 700
and institutional change 41 , 68
and institutions 103
and interests 68 – 9
and paradigm shifts 67 – 8
and policy paradigms 66 – 7
ideational institutionalism,see
constructivist institutionalism
and institutions 8 – 9
and multiculturalism 9 – 10
identity politics 170 , 756
ideology, and party identiWcation 565
immigration, and inclusion-and-
exclusion 185 – 6
inclusion-and-exclusion 166
and administrative/judicial decisions 164
and African-Americans 177 – 80
federalism 181 – 2
and American federalism 181 – 2
and claims for inclusion:
legal rights 182
moral claims 182
mutual self-interest 182 – 3
and counterattack hypothesis 165
and diVerences in dealing with 171 – 2
and dominant/subordinate groups 172 – 3
and elections:
at-large vs. single member districts 167
descriptive and substantive
representation 168 – 9
inclusion and coalition-
building 169 – 71
proportional representation 169
run-oVelections 167
and entrapment 165
and ethnicity 165
welfare state 389 – 91
and exclusion 183

794 subject index

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