political science

(Wang) #1

criteria for 183 – 4
disappearance/reduction of 184
expulsion 183
extermination 183
and gender and status of women 165 ,
173 – 7
and immigration 185 – 6
and institutions 163 – 4
and religion 173 , 185
income inequality 153 – 4
incrementalism, and institutional
change 12 – 13
and constitutional interpretation 271
and federalism 261 , 263 , 265 , 266 , 267
individualism, and representation of
diversity 436 – 40
indivisibility, and multilateralism 618
Indonesia 477
inequality 401
and hierarchy of 696
INF Treaty 646
and bureaucracy 371
and development of legislative
expertise 434 – 5 , 442 – 4
impact of tenure 444 – 5
and direct democracy 604 – 6
and policy areas covered by 607
see alsodirect democracy
institutional economics, and networks 82
and behavioral revolution 5 – 6
and economic institutions 145 – 7
and international organizations 618 – 19
and liberalism 716 – 17
and order and stability 4 – 5 , 8
and processes 5
and status of 5
and traditions of study 90 – 2
Fabianism 101
formal-legal analysis 94 – 7 , 102 – 3
idealism 97 – 9
Islamic 98 – 9

Marxist political economy 99 – 100
modernist-empiricism 92 – 4 , 102
post-Marxism 100
and varieties of 4
and view of institutions 4
see alsoinstitutions; new institutionalism;
thinking institutionally
institutionalization 725 – 6
and characteristics of 728
and deWnition of 719
and development of 727
in economics 726
and external support for 729 – 30
and internal perspective on 728 – 9
in political science 726 , 727
in sociology 726 – 7
and basis for assessing 10
and behavioral revolution 5 – 6 , 40 , 41 ,
92 – 3 , 718 , 733
and breakdown of 729
and characteristics of 6 – 7
and deWnition of 3 , 51 , 146 , 163 , 719
disciplinary diVerences 722 – 4 , 730 – 1
in politics 724 – 5 , 730
problem of 721 – 2
taken-for-granted nature of 720 – 1
and distinction from organizations 146 ,
613 , 637
and distributional 580
and diversity of 6 , 15
and eVects of 7 – 10
and eYcient 580
and endogenous nature of 4
and evolution of 26 – 7 , 745 – 8
and evolution of theories of:
behavioral revolution 750
historical institutionalism 751
institutional approach 748 – 9
institutional crises 753 – 4
national traditions 752 – 3
neo-Marxism 751
network approach 751
new science of politics 750
organizational theory 752

subject index 795
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