political science

(Wang) #1

Washington Naval Treaty ( 1923 ) 642
Weimar Constitution 201 , 359 , 582
welfare state:
and business 393 – 5
and distribution of beneWts 396 – 7
as distributive institution 389
and gender 391 – 2
and ‘‘hidden’’ welfare state 395 – 7
and indirect policies 396
as institution of modern politics 388
and policy change 402 – 3
conversion 403
drift 403 – 4
failure to adapt to new risks 404
institutional obstacles to 404
layering 403
and policy outcomes 400 – 2
Luxembourg Income Study
(LIS) 400 – 1
panel studies of income
dynamics 401 – 2
and private beneWts 396
and public spending programs 395 , 400
and race 389 – 91
and research on:
challenges facing 399 – 400
diversity of 388 – 9
growth of 387 – 8

progress of 389
and resilience of 398
and retrenchment of 397 – 400
and solidarity 389
and tax policy 395 – 6
and typology of 388
Westminster system:
and parliamentary government 325 – 6
and presidentialization of prime
ministers 328 – 30
see alsoparliamentary government
Westphalia, Treaties of ( 1648 ) 113
women,seefeminism; gender
World Bank 150 , 383 , 426 , 627 , 657 , 668
and nongovernmental organizations 685
and United States 670
World Health Organization 424 , 617
World Social Forum 678
World Trade Organization 426 , 616 , 657 ,
and bargaining problem 662 – 4
and dispute resolution 665
and enforcement problems 664 – 5
and impact of 667
and legal powers of 618
world-polity institutionalism 682

Yugoslavia, and federalism 265 , 266

816 subject index

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