political science

(Wang) #1

and representation in 243
and senatorial courtesy 27
and tenure 460
and United States Constitution 194
see alsoUnited States Congress
United States Supreme Court:
andAshwander vs. Tennessee Valley
Authority( 1936 ) 542
andBolling vs. Sharpe( 1954 ) 206
andBrown vs. Board of Education
( 1954 ) 206 , 549
andBush vs. Gore( 2001 ) 517 , 528 , 529
and constitutional interpretation 192 ,
271 , 709
doctrinal arguments 206
ethical arguments 206
federalism 196 – 7
historical arguments 203 – 4
judicial supremacy 209 – 10
legitimacy of change eVected
by 207 – 10
prudential arguments 206 – 7
separation of powers 197
structural arguments 205 – 6
textual arguments 204 – 5
and decision-making by 542 – 3
Attitudinal Model of 518 – 20
inXuence of interest groups 525
Legal Model of 520 – 3
Strategic Model of 523 – 4
andDred Scott vs. Sandford( 1857 ) 548
andGoldwater vs. Carter( 1979 ) 207
andImmigration and Naturalization
Service vs. Chadha( 1983 ) 550
and inXuences on 50
and institutional legitimacy 528 , 529
andLochner vs. New York( 1905 ) 548
andMarbury vs. Madison( 1803 ) 204 , 747
andMiranda vs. Arizona( 1966 ) 542 ,
549 – 50
andPlanned Parenthood of Southeastern
Pennsylvania vs. Casey 528
and policy-making 538 – 9 , 709
conditions for eVective 539
implementation problems 548 – 50

nature of decision-making
process 542 – 3
andRepublican Party of Minnesota vs.
White( 2002 ) 529
andRoe vs. Wade( 1973 ) 206 , 548
Universal Postal Union 416 , 615
unstructured institutions:
and rational choice institutionalism 27 – 8
collective action 30 – 2
urban regeneration, and local governance
regimes 508
urban regimes 498
and Atlanta 507 – 8
and business participation 507 – 9 , 511
and conceptualization problems 513
and deWnition of 506
and education reform 511 – 12
and errors in study of:
concept stretching 510
degreeism 510
misclassiWcation 509 – 10
parochialism 508 – 9
and European urban regeneration 508
and relationships within:
at core of 507
core-external actors 507
and social production of power 506 – 7
and typology of 510 – 11
see alsointergovernmental relations; local
utilitarianism 6

values, and thinking institutionally 737 – 9
Venezuela 261 , 267
veto players:
and classiWcation of constitutions 225
and role of 339 – 40
Vienna, Congress of ( 1815 ) 615
virtue 715
voluntary organizations, and historical
institutionalism 49 – 50
Voting Rights Act (USA, 1965 ) 177 , 468

Wales 261 , 263
Warsaw Pact 677

subject index 815
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