The History of Mathematics: A Brief Course

(coco) #1

Britain, 38, 325
British Commonwealth, 72
British Museum, 34, 140, 241, 244
broken bamboo problem, 266
Brooklyn Museum of Art, 34
Brougham Bridge, 452
Brouwer fixed-point theorem, 558
Bryn Mawr College, 67, 77, 88, 99, 103
bu, 249, 405
Buddhism, 21, 23, 50, 119
Bulletin of the American Mathematical So-
ciety, 452
Bulletin of the New York Mathematical So-
ciety, 451
Burali-Forti's paradox, 553
Bushoong, 9
Byzantine Empire, 41, 48, 50
c, 547
Cairo, 34
Caius College, 520
calculation, 146
calculators, 129, 145, 150
calculus, 22, 187, 191
foundational difficulties, 474
fundamental theorem, 467, 470
integral, 470
priority dispute, 473
rules, 471
calculus of residues, 494
calculus of variations, 469, 472
Calcutta, 26
calendar, 29, 32, 60, 122, 129
Archimedes on, 301
civil, 123
Gregorian, 124, 157
Hebrew, 124
Julian, 123, 157
revised, 128
Julian day, 124
lunar, 122, 123
lunisolar, 122, 157
Maya, 124
Muslim, 54, 124
revised Julian, 128
solar, 122
Calendar Round, 125, 128
California State University, 65
Cambridge, 71, 520, 526
Cambridge University, 101, 171, 467
Cambridge University Press, 96
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 68
Canada, 38, 330
Canadian Federation, 66
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 73
Canadian Mathematical Society, 73
Canary Islands, 326
cancellation law, 454
Cantor-Bendixson theorem, 547

Cardano formula, 431, 440
cardinal number, 4, 187, 393, 412, 546
cardinality, 546
Carolingian Renaissance, 329
Carthage, 299
categoricity, 537
cathedral schools, 58
Cauchy convergence criterion, 502
Cauchy integral formula, 494, 500
Cauchy integral theorem, 494
Cauchy sequence, 502
Cauchy-Riemann equations, 493
cause, 544
Cavalieri's principle, 31, 250, 253, 302, 303,
314, 465-466, 487,488
Cavendish Laboratory, 526
CBC, 38
celestial equator, 261
celestial sphere, 261
center of curvature, 373
center of gravity, 525
Central America, 37
central limit theorem, 518, 523
Centrobaryca, 325
Ceyuan Haijing, 418
chambered nautilus, 9
Chandahsutra, 23
Chebyshev's inequality, 523, 532
chi, 246, 248
chi-square distribution, 529
chi-square test, 87
Chiliades, 287
China, 23, 37, 40, 113, 139, 145, 197, 302,
326, 338, 407, 420, 529
Chinese algebra, 40
Chinese remainder theorem, 173, 175, 180
Ching (Manchu) Dynasty, 28
ch'onwonsul (algebra), 418
chord, 258
circle, 8, 298, 329, 356, 418
measurement, 301
osculating, 374
quadrature, 74, 257, 264 , 274-275, 290,
312, 449
Egyptian approximation, 236
cissoid, 281
citizenship, 139
Civil War, American, 66
Clark University, 67, 102
closed set, 392
clothing, 4
Cnidus, 286
code breaking, 150
coin-tossing, 517
Colour and Colour Theories, 102
Columbia University, 159
combination, 515
combinatorics, 187, 212-214
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