Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1
8.2 Selection Statements 353

then clause is a single statement and the else clause is present, although there
is no need to mark the end, the else reserved word in fact marks the end of
the then clause. When the then clause is a compound, it is terminated by a
right brace. However, if the last clause in an if, whether then or else, is not a
compound, there is no syntactic entity to mark the end of the whole selection
statement. The use of a special word for this purpose resolves the question of
the semantics of nested selectors and also adds to the readability of the state-
ment. This is the design of the selection statement in Fortran 95+ Ada, Ruby,
and Lua. For example, consider the following Ruby statement:

if a > b then
sum = sum + a
acount = acount + 1
sum = sum + b
bcount = bcount + 1

The design of this statement is more regular than that of the selection state-
ments of the C-based languages, because the form is the same regardless of the
number of statements in the then and else clauses. (This is also true for Perl.)
Recall that in Ruby, the then and else clauses consist of statement sequences
rather than compound statements. The first interpretation of the selector
example at the beginning of this section, in which the else clause is matched to
the nested if, can be written in Ruby as follows:

if sum == 0 then
if count == 0 then
result = 0
result = 1

Because the end reserved word closes the nested if, it is clear that the else
clause is matched to the inner then clause.
The second interpretation of the selection statement at the beginning of
this section, in which the else clause is matched to the outer if, can be written
in Ruby as follows:

if sum == 0 then
if count == 0 then
result = 0
result = 1

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