Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1

354 Chapter 8 Statement-Level Control Structures

The following statement, written in Python, is semantically equivalent to
the last Ruby statement above:

if sum == 0 :
if count == 0 :
result = 0
result = 1

If the line else: were indented to begin in the same column as the nested if,
the else clause would be matched with the inner if.
ML does not have a problem with nested selectors because it does not
allow else-less if statements. Selector Expressions
In the functional languages ML, F#, and LISP, the selector is not a statement; it is
an expression that results in a value. Therefore, it can appear anywhere any other
expression can appear. Consider the following example selector written in F#:

let y =
if x > 0 then x
else 2 * x;;

This creates the name y and sets it to either x or 2 * x, depending on whether
x is greater than zero.
An F# if need not return a value, for example if its clause or clauses create
side effects, perhaps with output statements. However, if the if expression does
return a value, as in the example above, it must have an else clause.

8.2.2 Multiple-Selection Statements

The multiple-selection statement allows the selection of one of any number
of statements or statement groups. It is, therefore, a generalization of a selector.
In fact, two-way selectors can be built with a multiple selector.
The need to choose from among more than two control paths in a program
is common. Although a multiple selector can be built from two-way selectors
and gotos, the resulting structures are cumbersome, unreliable, and difficult to
write and read. Therefore, the need for a special structure is clear. Design Issues
Some of the design issues for multiple selectors are similar to some of those
for two-way selectors. For example, one issue is the question of the type of
expression on which the selector is based. In this case, the range of possibilities
is larger, in part because the number of possible selections is larger. A two-way
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