rotational energy 240
rotational spectrum 240
Royal Medal 126
rubidium 7
rubisco 39, 239
rubredoxin 145, 240
rubrethyrin 240
ruby 240
Rudbeck, Sofia 18
Rumford Medal 71, 160
Ruska, Ernst 92
rusticyanin 240
Rutherford, Ernest 240
Rydberg series 240
sacrificial anode 241, 241
sacrificial hyperconjugation.
saline 241
salinity 241
salt 24, 25, 85, 241
salt bridge 241
sand 43
sandwich compound 241
saponification 241
saprobe 241
Sarasota Medical Award 26
saturated fatty acid 242
saturated hydrocarbons 242
saturated solution 242
scanning electron microscope
92, 242,242, 276
scavenger 242
Schaefer, Vincent 160
Schiff base 242
School of Mines Medal 160
Schroedinger equation 242
Schwinger, Julian 118
scientific method 242
scientific notation 242
sclerids 166
scrambling. Seeisotopic
Seaborg, Glen 215
secondary alcohol 242
secondary compound 243
secondary kinetic electrolyte
effect. Seekinetic
electrolyte effect
secondary kinetic isotope
effect. Seeisotope effect,
secondary productivity 243
secondary standard 243
secondary structure 243
secondary volatic cell 243
second law of
thermodynamics 243
second messenger 243
second-order reaction 243
selective absorption 287
selective permeability 243
selectivity 243
selectivity factor 243–244
selectron 244
SEM (scanning electron
microscope) 92, 242,242,
semiconductor 194, 244
semimetal 244
semipermeable 244
sensory neuron 244
sensory receptor 174, 244
sequence 244
mutagenesis. See
serine 118
serotonin 175, 187, 192, 244
serum. Seeplasma
sex 6
Sex and Internal Secretions
(Doisy) 83
sex hormones 83
Sex Hormones(Doisy) 83
shell (of electrons) 244–245
shielding 245
shielding effect 245
shift, chemical 48
side chain 245
siderophore 245
sigma, pi (σ, π) 245
sigma (σ) adduct 245
sigma (σ) bond 89, 245
sigma (σ) constant 246
sigma (σ) orbital 246
sigmatropic rearrangement
72, 246, 246
signal peptide 246
signal processing 76
signal transduction pathway
silica 75, 247
silicate 247
silicon 177
silicones 247
silver 65, 78, 86
silylene 247
Simpson, O. J. 81
single covalent bond 247
single-electron transfer
mechanism 247
single-step reaction 247
siroheme 247, 247
site-directed mutagenesis. See
site-specific delivery 247
skin 53, 74, 154
Slater-type orbital 247
Slocumb, C. H. 154
slurry 112
Smalley, Richard 35
Smallpox and Its Combating
(Arrhenius) 18
smectic phase 247
smell 200
smelting 248
smog 248
smoke generator 160
SN1/SN2 reactions 248
soap 24, 248
SOD. Seesuperoxide
Soddy, Frederick 248, 250
sodium 7, 45, 85
sodium chloride 48, 49
sodium-potassium pump 250
soft acid. Seehard acid
soft base. Seehard base
soft drug 250
soil 43
sol 250
solar energy 250, 251
solar radiation 250
sol-gel process 250
solid 173, 173
solid solution 250
solubility product constant
solubility product principle
solute 31, 56, 76, 250
solution 250
solvation 250
solvatochromic relationship
solvatochromism 250
solvent 13, 16, 54, 66, 77,
freezing point of 112
and Grunwald-
Winstein equation
and heat of solution
Hildebrand parameter
of 128
isotope effect 149
solvent extraction 251
solvent isotope effect. See
isotope effect, solvent
solvent parameters 153, 155,
166, 251–252
solvent polarity. Seepolarity
solvent-separated ion pair.
Seeion pair
solvolysis 120, 252
solvophobicity parameter
somatomedin 120
somatotropin 120
SOMO 252
sonication 252
sorbital 252
soret band 252
SPC. Seestructure-property
special salt effect 252
speciation 252
species, chemical 48
specific catalysis 252–253
specific gravity 253
specific heat 253
spectator ion 253
spectator mechanism 253
spectral line 253
spectrochemical series 253
spectrograph 253
spectrometer 254
spectrophotometer 253
spectroscope 1, 25
spectroscopy 82, 93–94
FAB mass 107, 143
infrared 139
mass 173
work of Gerhard
Herzberg on 126
spectrum 253
electromagnetic 59
spherand 64
sphingomyelin 211
spider 50
spin 62, 94, 169
spin adduct. Seespin
spin counting. Seespin
spin density 253
spin label 253
spin-orbit coupling 253
spin probe. Seespin label
spin-spin coupling 253–254
spin-spin interaction 62,
spin trapping 254
Spole, Anders 43
spontaneous fission 254
spontaneous reaction 255
square planar 255
square planar complex 255
square plane. See
stability constant 255
stable 255
standard electrode potential
standard molar enthalpy of
formation 255
standard molar volume 255
starch 255
state function 255
states of matter 173, 173
340 Index