Engineering Mechanics

(Joyce) #1

Index „„„„„ 765

Slidding friction, 140
Slip of belt, 736
Slope of thread, 177
Speed, 407

Stable equilibrium, 74
Statics, 3

  • friction, 140
    Stress, 269
    Sub-divisions of Engineering Mechanics,

Sun and planet wheel, 781
Superelevation, 631
System of forces, 14

  • pulleys, 171

  • units, 4


Tangential velocity of rotating body,
Tensile stress, 270
Tension in a string, 366, 367, 369, 371
Theorem of parallel axis, 106

  • perpendicular axis, 104

  • Lami's 67
    Third system of pulleys, 228
    Time for exchange of signals of two
    bodies moving along inclined direc-

tions, 458
Time of flight of a projectile, 464

  • on a horizontal plane, 469

  • on an inclined plane, 484
    Torque, 679, 688

  • work done by, 680
    Total pressure, 792

  • on horizontal immersed surface,

  • on inclined immersed surface, 796

  • on vertical immersed surface, 793
    Train of wheels, 768, 774

  • Compound, 769

  • Simple, 768

Trigonometry, 7
Triangle law of forces, 22
Trajectory, 464
Types of balancing of rotating bodies,

  • beles, 644

  • belt drives, 737

  • end supports, 242, 254

  • engine powers, 567

  • impacts, 609

  • equilibrium 73

  • Franches,

  • Friction

  • geoms

  • levers, 37

  • lifting machines, 205

  • loading, 239

  • moments, 27


Uniform acceleration, 408
Uniformly distributed load, 239

  • varying load, 239
    Units, 4
    Units of moment, 27

  • moment of inertia, 101

  • power, 657

  • work, 656
    Unlike parallel forces, 43
    Unstable equilibrium, 74
    Useful data, 7


Variable acceleration, 408
Varignon's principle of moments, 28
Vector method for the resultant force,
Velocity, 407, 427,428, 431, 436

  • Angular, 492

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