Engineering Mechanics

(Joyce) #1

(^766) „„„„„ A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics

  • by differentiation, 428

  • by integration, 431

  • velocity by preparing a table, 426

  • of particle moving with S.H.M.,
    522, 526

  • of projection, 464

  • ratio, 189,
    Velocity and direction of motion of a
    projectile, after the given interval of
    time from the instant of
    projection, 479

  • at a given height from the point of
    projection, 483

  • diagram method for velocity of
    piston of a reciprocating pump, 514
    Virtual work, 387

  • Principle of, 388

  • Proof of, 388


Watt governor, 639
Wedge friction, 170
Weight, 528
Weston's differential pulley block, 211
Wheel and axle, Differential, 208

  • Simple, 206
    Work done by a torque, 680

  • Graphical representation of, 656

  • Units of, 656
    Worm and worm wheel, 215

  • geared pulley block, 216

  • geared screw jack, 232


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