Engineering Mechanics

(Joyce) #1
Hinged (or Pin-jointed) and the Other Supported Freely on Roller
12.21. Frames with One End Hinged (or Pin-jointed) and the Other
Supported on Rollers and Carrying Horizontal Loads. 12.22. Frames with
One End Hinged (or Pin-jointed) and the Other Supported on Rollers and
carrying Inclined Loads. 12.23. Frames with Both Ends Fixed.

  1. Analysis of Perfect Frames (Analytical Method)
    13.1. Introduction. 13.2. Types of Frames. 13.3. Perfect Frame.
    13.4. Imperfect Frame. 13.5.Deficient Frame. 13.6. Redundant Frame.
    13.7. Stress. 13.8. Tensile Stress. 13.9. Compressive Stress.
    13.10. Assumptions for Forces in the Members of a Perfect Frame.
    13.11. Analytical Methods for the Forces. 13.12. Method of Joints.
    13.13. Method of Sections (or Method of Moments). 13.14. Force Table.
    13.15. Cantilever Trusses. 13.16. Structures with One End Hinged (or
    Pin-jointed) and the Other Freely Supported on Rollers and Carrying
    Horizontal Loads. 13.17. Structures with One End Hinged (or Pin-jointed)
    and the Other Freely Supported on Rollers and Carrying Inclined Loads.
    13.18. Miscellaneous Structures.

  2. Analysis of Perfect Frames (Graphical Method)
    14.1. Introduction. 14.2. Construction of Space Diagram.
    14.3. Construction of Vector Diagram. 14.4. Force Table. 14.5. Magnitude
    of Force. 14.6. Nature of Force. 14.7. Cantilever Trusses. 14.8. Structures
    with One End Hinged (or Pin-jointed) and the Other Freely Supported on
    Rollers and Carrying Horizontal Loads. 14.9. Structures with One End
    Hinged (or Pin-jointed) and the Other Freely Supported on Rollers and
    Carrying Inclined Loads. 14.10. Frames with Both Ends Fixed.
    14.11. Method of Substitution.

  3. Equilibrium of Strings 322–

15.1. Introduction. 15.2. Shape of a Loaded String. 15.3. Tension in a
String. 15.4. Tension in a String Carrying Point Loads. 15.5. Tension in a
String Carrying Uniformly Distributed Load. 15.6. Tension in a String
when the Two Supports are at Different Levels. 15.7. Length of a String.
15.8. Length of a String when the Supports are at the Same Level.
15.9. Length of a String when the Supports are at Different Levels.
15.10. The Catenary.

  1. Virtual Work 342–

16.1. Introduction. 16.2. Concept of Virtual Work. 16.3. Principle of
Virtual Work. 16.4. Sign Conventions. 16.5. Applications of the Principle
of Virtual Work. 16.6. Application of Principle of Virtual Work on Beams
Carrying Point Load. 16.7. Application of Principle of Virtual Work on
Beams Carrying Uniformly Distributed Load. 16.8. Application of Principle
of Virtual Work on Ladders. 16.9. Application of Principle of Virtual Work
on Lifting Machines. 16.10. Application of Principle of Virtual Work on
Framed Structures.

  1. Linear Motion 361–

17.1. Introduction. 17.2. Important Terms. 17.3. Motion Under Constant
Acceleration. 17.4. Motion Under Force of Gravity. 17.5. Distance
Travelled in the nth Second. 17.6. Graphical Representation of Velocity,
Time and Distance Travelled by a Body.

  1. Motion Under Variable Acceleration 384–
    18.1. Introduction. 18.2. Velocity and Acceleration at any Instant.
    18.3. Methods for Velocity, Acceleration and Displacement from a
    Mathematical Equation. 18.4. Velocity and Acceleration by Differentiation.
    18.5. Velocity and Displacement by Intergration. 18.6. Velocity,
    Acceleration and Displacement by Preparing a Table.

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