Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Amniotic Fluid Tests

Urinalysis and Body

Fluids Review 522


( L/S) ratio

Phosphatidylglycerol (PG)

Foam stability index
(shake test)

Lamellar body count

Amniotic fluid bilirubin

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)

Reference method. L/S ratio ≥ 2.0 signifies
maturity. False ↑with blood or meconium

Last surfactant to rise. Not affected by
presence of blood or meconium.

Index is highest concentration of ethanol
that supports ring of foam after shaking.
Index of 0.48 is comparable to L/S ratio of
2.0. Blood and meconium interfere.

Number correlates with amount of phos-
pholipid present in fetal lungs. Sample
must be free of blood or meconium.

Bilirubin has peak absorbance at 450 nm.
Baseline is drawn connecting 365- &
550-nm points. ΔA 450 compared to gesta-
tional age to determine severity of disease.
Specimen must be protected from light.
Blood & meconium interfere.

High levels with anencephaly, spina bifida.

Fetal lung maturity

Fetal lung maturity

Fetal lung maturity

Fetal lung maturity

Hemolytic disease of the

Neural tube defects

Thin-layer chromatography

Immunologic agglutination

Shake with increasing
amounts of 95% ethanol

Count in platelet channel
of hematology analyzers

Direct spectrophotometric
scan from 365–550 nm

Immunologic method
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