Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Gene Expression Terminologycontinued

Molecular Diagnostics

(MDx) Review 539



Start codon

Termination codons



3 nucleotides that code for an amino acid, e.g., GCC codes for alanine. 64 codons code for 21 amino acids.
2–6 codons for each, except methionine & tryptophan which only have 1.

AUG, codes for methionine.

UAA, UAG, UGA. Not associated with any amino acid. Signal to stop protein synthesis.

3-nucleotide sequence on tRNA that attaches to codon on mRNA, bringing with it specified amino acids.

Organelles in cytoplasm & on surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Made of rRNA & protein. Site of
protein synthesis.
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