Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Protein Synthesis

Molecular Diagnostics

(MDx) Review 540




  1. RNA polymerase binds to promoter region of gene.

  2. DNA separates into 2 single strands.

  3. RNA polymerase adds complementary nucleotides to produce strand of mRNA. If DNA sequence is 3’ ATTCGA 5’,
    mRNA will be 5’ UAAGCU 3’.

  4. mRNA is released from DNA.

  5. DNA strands reanneal.

  6. mRNA associates with ribosomes in cytoplasm.

  7. Ribosome moves along mRNA, reading genetic code. Always begins with codon AUG.

  8. tRNA with complementary 3-nucleotide sequence (anticodon) attaches to codon on mRNA, bringing with it amino
    acid specified by codon, e.g., anticodon UAC on tRNA attaches to codon AUG on mRNA, bringing with it amino acid

  9. As ribosome moves along mRNA, other tRNAs bring in other amino acids.

  10. Peptide bonds form between amino acids.

  11. Process continues until ribosome reaches stop codon.

  12. Protein is released.

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