PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: A contemporary introduction

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Neo-Platonism 91
nirguna 102
nirvana 32, 42, 43, 44, 48, 56, 60, 101,
111, 268–9, 284, 290
NN principle 93
non-composite endurers/non-endurers
non-reciprocal dependence 187, 189–90
non-ultimate reality 94–6
numerical identity 363

objectivity 15
Ontological Argument 174, 175–6,
179–80, 363; analogous arguments
177–8; exposition of 180; summary
of 178–9; without notion of
perfection 176–7
ontological independence 363
operational functional being 204–5,
orderliness 207
Otto, Rudolph 59

perception, causal theory of 106–7
perfection 176–7
permanence 292
person 363; Buddhist view of 247–52;
claims concerning 241; Complexity
View of 246–59; consistency in
argument 251–2; external critique of
bundle theory 248–9; importance of
accounts concerning 114–15;
internal critique of bundle theory
249–51; Jain view of 247, 248, 249;
Jain/Buddhist difference concerning
114, 116; non-substantival view of
246–7; as temporally scattered 113–
personal identity: exhaustive/exclusive
disjunction 246; general criteria 246
phenomenal reality 68–9
phenomenological description 215–16,
phenomenological difference 40
phenomenologies, and claims 274–6
philosophy: claims and assessment of 7;
defined 13; of science 351–2; task of
Plantinga, Alvin 174
Plato 281, 282
pleasure 25

possibility 315–16
potentiality 187–8
Principle of Alternative Possibilities
322, 338–9; acting not a matter of
causing actions 328–30; alleged
counterexamples 322–3;
compatibilist response 324–5;
counterexamples 331–3;
incompatibilist response 325–8;
reply to objections 323–4
probability 348–9
problem of evil 363
proof 169–71, 224; empirical 181;
purely conceptual 174
proper ultimate reason 209
properties 71–2; causal 78; happy 72–3;
as maximally indeterminate 75–7
property dualism 243–4, 263
property universalism 74–5
propositions 346, 363; logically
contingent 195, 197, 198–9; modal
93; types of 171
Pure Land Buddhism 101

qualitative identity 363
qualityless Brahman see Brahman

Ramanuja 29, 101, 105, 184, 205–7,
290–3, 296
rationality 358
Real, the: human concepts 70–4;
natures or essences 74–7
reality 28–9, 30
reason 7, 363
reductionism 107–9
reflexive relations 184–5
reincarnation 26–8, 112, 123–4, 252,
religion 7; arguments offered within
xv; claims and assessment of 13–14;
definitions of 16–17; diagnoses and
cures 4, 17, 23, 32–4, 54; different
sorts of 23–4, 34; as diverse 61–3;
functional/pragmatic 16; as identical
57–61; notions of 3; philosophy of
4–5, 7, 17–18; substantial/doctrinal
16; task of 4; tradition in 54–5; and
truth-claims 56–7
religious belief: and blame 358;
epistemic status of 349–50
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