PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: A contemporary introduction

(avery) #1

religious experience 226–7, 363; appeals
to 267; criteria and their application
46–9; descriptions of 41–6;
evidentialargument from 230–1;
experts in 270; notions of 3;
structure/content 39–40
religious maturity 147–50
religious pluralism 4, 363; content of
67–8; human concepts 70–1, 70–4;
importance of (RPE) to 73–4;
Maximally Restrictive 70–1;
Mediumly Restrictive 71–2;
Minimally Restrictive 72–3;
natures/essences 74–7; negative
view 78–9; religion–relevant
consequences of 68–9
religious tradition 363
religious values: monotheistic
traditions 304–5; nonmonotheistic
traditions 303–4
restricted property universalism 75
robust foundationalism 350; religious
claims 350–1
Rowe, William 138–40, 142–3
Roweanism 161–4; succinct 151–2

saintliness 148
salvation 363
scientism 344–6
Second Way argument 191–2
self: as apparent/real 28–30, 32; as
enduring/transitory 6, 31–2, 33; as
omniscient 30–1, 32
self-authentication 271–2, 363;
descriptions 272–3; evidence about
what 273–4; experiential evidence
276–82; particular experiences/
universal claims 274;
phenomenologies that fit the claims
274–6; re-statement of argument
282–4; subject/content experience
self-change 189–90, 195
self-consciousness 70, 85, 113, 289,
290–2, 296
semantic logical necessity 363
Shankara 28–9, 53, 101, 103, 105, 107,
simplicity 113–14
sin/salvation 32, 56
Spinoza, Baruch 105, 307

substance dualism 243–4
substance theory 363; arguments
against dualism 262–3; Jain dualism
Sufficient Reason 182, 183, 209; crucial
premises 183; differences in
conclusions 183–4
syntactic logical necessity 363

teleological argument 208–9, 363–4;
statement of 209–10
Terrible Tiger hypothesis 228–30
Theravada Buddhism 4, 24, 54, 60, 268–
9, 294–5, 364; and Complexity View
257; described 31–2, 33; and
enlightenment experience 272–6;
and reincarnation/karma 26–8; and
ultimate reality 101, 109, 111–16
thick experience 215–16
thick/thin description 216
Third Way argument 192–4
transcendence 85
truth 337–8, 348–9
truth values xiii, 171–2
truth–claims 56–7

ultimate existence explanation 209
ultimate reality: non-94–6;
nonmonotheistic conceptions of
universalism 74–5
universe-time-together creation view
Upanishadic texts 103, 104, 105

valid argument 364
value by association 154
Vedas 104
Vsistadvaita (Qualified Non–Dualism)
101, 104

world-has-a-beginning strategy 182,

X argument 177

Y argument 178

Z argument 178
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