factitious disorders 375–376, 385
fallopian tubes 271, 281,342, 347,
familial adenomatous polyposis
(FAP) 43,60, 64
family planning 281–282
adoption 241
ART 247
conception 264
contraception 267
gestational surrogacy 289
prenatal care 327
vasectomy 355
Fanconi’s syndrome 189–190
FAP. Seefamilial adenomatous
FDA (US Food and Drug
Administration) 264
fecal impaction 33, 43–44, 44
fecal incontinence 33, 44
fecal occult blood test (FOBT)
44–45, 45 t,51, 91
feces 1, 4, 14, 20
fertility 282–283
aging, reproductive and sexual
changes that occur with 242
amenorrhea 243
chorionic gonadotropin 115
conception 264
cryptorchidism 267
ectopic pregnancy 272
endometrial cancer 274
endometriosis 276
erection 278
fallopian tubes 281
family planning 281
hemochromatosis 133
inhibin 148
menarche 300
menopause 301
ovaries 313
ovulation 314
PCOS 320
perimenopause 318
PID 317
pregnancy 323
prostatectomy 331
reproductive system 237
spermatocele 342
testicular cancer 345
testicular self-examination 346
testicular torsion 347
uterine fibroids 349–350
vas deferens 354
fertilization 342, 356
fetus 283–284, 284 t
amniocentesis 243
amniotic fluid 244
eclampsia 271
gestational diabetes 288
placenta 319
stillbirth 342
umbilical cord 349
uterine fibroids 350
uterus 351
fiber and gastrointestinal health 5,
33, 44, 45, 68
fibroadenoma 284–285
fibrocystic breast disease 253, 285,
285–286,295, 300
filtrate 169, 193, 202, 209
flashbacks 359, 380
flatulence 20, 45
fluid balance 171, 201
fluoroscopy 17, 189
FOBT. Seefecal occult blood test
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
100, 111, 127,129, 148
foreskin (prepuce) 263, 315, 318
fragile X syndrome 364, 365
fraternal multiples (fertilization)
FSH. Seefollicle-stimulating
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
gabapentin 367, 377
GAD. Seegeneralized anxiety
gallbladder 1, 18, 22, 36, 46
gallbladder disease 22, 46–48, 46 t,
gallstones 46, 80, 189
GALT. Seegut-associated lymphoid
gamete 233, 340, 356
gamete intrafallopian transfer
(GIFT) 246
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
(GGT) 75
gastrectomy 48
gastric acid 11, 50, 85, 90
gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP)
gastric mucosa 3, 90, 94
gastrin 3, 35, 94
gastritis 48
gastroenteritis 33, 48–50, 49 t,88,
89, 94
gastroesophageal reflux disorder
(GERD) 50–51, 51 t
antacids 12
Barrett’s esophagus 17
esophageal cancer 40
esophagitis 42
gastrointestinal system 5
hiatal hernia 58
gastrointestinal bleeding 45, 51–52,
51 t, 77
gastrointestinal disorders 34, 62, 90
gastrointestinal system 1–95, 2
antidepressant medications 362
anus 14
borborygmus 20
bowel movement 20
bowel sounds 20
cecum 21
colon 26
digestive hormones 35
endoscopy 38
fiber and gastrointestinal health
gallbladder 46
hemochromatosis 133
IBD 61
IBS 65
nausea 78
peristalsis 82
small intestine 89
stomach 90
gastroparesis 52
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
280, 360, 369, 376,380, 385
gene therapy 7, 43
genetic disorders
AFP 243
Alport’s syndrome 176
amenorrhea 243
CVS 262
Fanconi’s syndrome 190
FAP 43
hemochromatosis 133
hirsutism 134
hypogonadism 291
Klinefelter’s syndrome 296
MEN 151, 152
RTA 219
Wilson’s disease 168
genetic screening
amniocentesis 244
autism 364
gastrointestinal system 7
398 Index