MEN 151
polycystic kidney disease 214
Turner’s syndrome 348
genital herpes 339, 340
genitalia 287
genital trauma 287–288
genitourinary tract 186, 362
GERD. Seegastroesophageal reflux
gestation 272, 324
gestational diabetes 119, 120, 271,
288–289, 321
gestational surrogacy 242, 282, 289
GFR (glomerular filtration rate)
GGT (gamma-
glutamyltranspeptidase) 75
GH. Seegrowth hormone
GHRH. Seegrowth hormone-
releasing hormone
GIFT (gamete intrafallopian
transfer) 246
GIP (gastric inhibitory polypeptide)
glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
glomeruli 173, 176, 202, 210–212
glomerulonephritis 176, 191–192,
glomerulosclerosis 192–193
glomerulus 169, 192, 193,201, 209
glucagon 79, 100, 128, 128, 149
glucose 128, 128 t
diabetes 119
endocrine system 100
gestational diabetes 288
glucagon 128
insulin 148
insulin resistance 149
nephropathy 210
urinary system 173
glycogen 128, 142, 148
GnRH. Seegonadotropin-releasing
goiter 127, 128–129, 146
gonadotropin-releasing hormone
(GnRH) 129
aging, endocrine changes that
occur with 110
androgens 113
estrogens 126
FSH 127
hypothalamus 145
inhibin 148
LH 151
prolactin 157
uterine fibroids 350
gonococcal urethritis (GU) 222
gonorrhea 277, 340
Goodpasture’s syndrome 193, 193 t
graft vs. host disease 76, 150
Graves’ ophthalmopathy 100, 141
Graves’ disease 129–131, 164
growth hormone deficiency 131,
131, 132
growth hormone (GH) 104, 111,
131,149, 157
growth hormone-releasing
hormone (GHRH) 110–111, 131,
131–132,142, 145
GU (gonococcal urethritis) 222
gut-associated lymphoid tissue
(GALT) 15, 89
gynecomastia 289, 298
hair 134, 386
hallucination 367, 368, 376,381,
hCG. Seehuman chorionic
gonadotrophin hormone
headache 105, 371, 379
heart 133, 374
heart attack 245, 379
heartburn 5, 37
heart failure 105, 133, 210, 219
heart rate 106, 245, 359, 379, 384
heavy-metal poisoning 71, 190
Helicobacter pylori37, 48, 53,81, 82,
hematospermia 277, 290
hematuria 194, 194 t
Alport’s syndrome 176–177
bladder cancer 179
ESWL 189
glomerulonephritis 191
nephropathy 211
urolithiasis 227
hemochromatosis 133–134
hemodialysis 171, 217, 219
hemoglobin 133, 167
hemolytic uremic syndrome
hemorrhoids 11, 32, 53–54,85, 88
hepatic abscess 54
hepatic cyst 54
hepatitis 54–57, 55 t, 217
hepatitis B 54, 339, 340
hepatitis C 54, 339
hepatocytes 18, 69, 70, 75
hepatomegaly 57, 57 t
hepatorenal failure 195
hepatotoxins 57, 72
Herceptin (trastuzumab) 252
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal
cancer (HNPCC) 57–58
her-2 gene 250–252
HER-2/neu. See her-2 gene
heterotopic liver transplantation
(HLT) 75
hGH (recombinant human growth
hormone) 131
hiatal hernia 58
Hirschsprung’s disease 58–59, 93
hirsutism 134
HIV/AIDS 192, 339, 340
HLAs (human leukocyte antigens)
200, 203
HLT (heterotopic liver
transplantation) 75
HNPCC (hereditary nonpolyposis
colorectal cancer) 57–58
honey urine 103, 119
hormonal cascade. See alsostress
response hormonal cascade
androgens 113
hypoglycemia 142
hypothalamus 144
hypothyroidism 146
inhibin 148
T 4 166
TRH 166
T 3 166
hormonal responses 135, 159
hormone 134–136, 135 t
aging, reproductive and sexual
changes that occur with 242
androgens 113
breast 250
DHEA 119
dopamine 124
endocrine gland 125
endocrine system 96
fibrocystic breast disease 285
gestational diabetes 289
norepinephrine 152
puberty 334
SAD 382
sleep disorders 384
hormone-driven cancers
andropause 245
BPH 249
breast cancer 251
endometrial cancer 275
menopause 301–302
oophorectomy 307
orchiectomy 308
Index 399